It is important that you spend some time gaining practical experience in the United States before you embark on your internship in Germany.
The companies in Germany state that it would be best if EUROBIZ students have some real life business experience to be competitive and prepared for their internships. For this reason, you are encouraged to complete at least one summer internship in the U.S. before leaving for Germany, but two summer internships are desirable. It is your responsibility to seek these summer positions. We will provide you with the names of German company contacts in New England.

Career Fairs
Please attend the University sponsored Career Fairs. This provides you with additional opportunities to find summer internships. We are trying to bring more German companies to these career fairs.
Your Responsibilities
In addition, you are responsible for:
- Preparing a professional resume and keeping it up to date (beyond what we do in this respect in German Studies courses),
- Submitting a report on the summer work by the end of the summer,
- Requesting that your supervisor complete the report on your summer assignment.
The potential employers in Germany want to know what experience you have had in the U.S. and about the quality of your work. This is the reason for the reports. Your own report, which is written in German during and after your internship abroad, also gives you some extra practice in short form and video composition.