
Guerlina Philogène (EUROBIZ) wins Thomas R. Pickering Fellowship

As she is about to graduate, Guerlina Philogène, freshly returned from her intership in Germany, receives the prestigious Thomas R. Pickering fellowship for graduate study:

“The Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Graduate Fellowship Program is a program funded by the U.S. Department of State, administered by Howard University, that attracts and prepares outstanding young people for Foreign Service careers in the U.S. Department of State.  The Pickering Fellowship offers a unique opportunity to promote positive change in the world.  Upon successful completion of a two-year master’s degree program and fulfillment of Foreign Service entry requirements, fellows have the opportunity to work as Foreign Service Officers in accordance with applicable law and State Department policy, serving in Washington, DC and at a U.S. embassy, consulate, or diplomatic mission around the globe.”

Guerlina spent the last years soaring in the EUROBIZ dual degree program and receiving great honors already before going abroad by being named a Gilman Scholar for 2022-23. She has now shared her goals within a longer article published in UConn Today:

“I have always tried to be a peacemaker and interested in conflict resolution, and I think that is why I am interested in foreign diplomacy,” says Philogene. “I want to hear both sides of an issue and I can’t make a decision until then. I want to hear a lot of information before I make a concise opinion that will hopefully help both sides.”

CONGRATULATIONS – we are so proud of your many accomplishments!

Success with Interships in Germany 2023: Quentin Walliser

As the EUROBIZ program grows, we are featuring short portraits of EUROBIZ students who are currently in Germany and have successfully secured their internships for the second half of their stay. Our fourth portrait presents Quentin Walliser who is working for Mahle. Here’s what he reports back:

“My name is Quentin, I spent my first semester in Germany studying at the University of Tübingen, which I would greatly recommend both for the location and culture, but also for the education. The foreign language courses especially were amazing. Now I am continuing my time abroad with an internship at Mahle in Stuttgart. Mahle is one of the biggest companies in the area earning over 1 billion Euros in sales per month and it is a leading international development partner and supplier to the automotive industry, as well as a pioneer for the mobility of the future. I am an intern in the Corporate Controlling Reporting department, and my main responsibilities are to develop new reporting dashboards using SAP systems. Getting knowledge in the use of SAP, the leader in business applications, is a great opportunity. The atmosphere in the company is also great, and we have very flexible working hours, a great cafeteria, and I am working directly next to the Stuttgart Zoo, the Wilhelma. I was able to get a season pass for only 42 Euros, and we can even hear the monkeys from the office, it makes for a great way to relax with a walk before going home. I started on March 1st and will be working until August 25th.”

EUROBIZ students visit Legrand Company in West Hartford

On Friday, February 17th, a group of EUROBIZ students, accompanied by Prof. Gerlinde Berger-Walliser, the Co-Director of the program, visited Legrand in West Hartford. The excursion offered not only an exploration of the company, but also a wonderful opportunity to meet a variety of managers and employees and to glimpse career opportunities for the future. The visit was expertly arranged by Kelly W. Kennedy who summarized the visit as follows on her LinkedIn account:

The University of Connecticut School of Business is grateful for our strong partnership with Wiremold in West Hartford, Connecticut (Legrand North America). Their team spent a fantastic day with our Eurobiz students last week. The program was designed to educate our fluent German-speaking students on global business and demonstrate the critical work done in this industry. This was a very hands-on experience, where students could view the manufacturing operation on the plant floor and their tech and power solutions in the Wiremold Experience Center. We are incredibly grateful for the team that put together the day that exceeded our expectations. Legrand prides itself on” transforming the spaces where people live, work and meet, with innovative and sustainable electrical and digital infrastructures.” Thank you- The Wiremold Company Legrand Judy Travers Adonica Walker Lawrence Gerlinde Berger-Walliser Anke K. FingerRobert Sauer, M.S.#urobiz #uconnbusiness #careerdevelopment #manufacturingindustry #connecticutjobs

The EUROBIZ program will regularly organize company visits in the future.

EUROBIZ students visit German American Conference 2018 at Harvard

Student group led by Isabel Choinowski (M.A. candidate), instructor of “German for the Professions”; report written by Alena Hauer, Patrick Kornegay & Bret Olson

Screen Shot 2018-10-08 at 8.15.17 AMThe German American Conference is the largest-student led conference in the United States. The conference tackles transatlantic challenges and issues by inspiring leadership, fostering dialogue, and promoting innovation. Harvard hosts all three days of the gathering, one at Harvard Medical School and two at the Harvard Kennedy School. More than 15 panels were spread out over the three days on topics ranging from education to digitalization in sports to migration. There was also an Innovation Lounge that offered participants an opportunity to rethink challenges in creative ways. Exhibitors like Siemens, the Goethe Institut, and the Boston Consulting Group participated in the Innovation Lounge. Over 80 speakers from politics, industry, and academia spoke at the conference, including the Permanent Representative of Germany to the United Nations Christoph Heusgen. About 700 people, of which many were German young adults studying or working in the US, attended the conference. The conference truly bridges the transatlantic gap between Germany and the United States, and we thank the UConn School of Business and the CIBER Institute for the opportunity to attend the conference.

Panel “Transatlantic Security”: Major issues continue to develop in the transatlantic partnership. One of those is Article V being called into question (Financial commitment to defense spending) and a major question presented is how can we go forward with the current issues in national security with cyberterrorism and Russia? We need more cooperation with Europe as the alliance is under stress from both sides of the Atlantic and there are several weak points that need attention. The complicated set of relationships that comprise the alliance deals with issues such as: How are both sides dealing with challenges within the alliance and how can we respond to aggression? Some vulnerabilities are self-inflicted (such as defense spending) and nostalgia should not be a basis for policy. Both Germany and the United States are key pillars for European security and that relationship should continue to be strengthened, and Germany needs to take on a more direct leadership role within the alliance as well as with foreign policy. Two different strategies comprise the alliance that continue to be debated: strategic patience and strategic autonomy, with NATO leadership needing to figure out the best option for dealing with whatever challenge comes its way. European integration needs to be as much as necessary and not as much as possible. We’re not talking about more exits with issues like Brexit and that needs to be known. There is a new frontline that we are facing now: authoritarianism challenging constitutionalism and separation of powers. A question I presented was how much of a role does the US-German relationship play in checking Chinese aggression in the South China Sea. Answers to this question were that there are enormous trade interests in the region, so Germany would definitely want to be a player but that doesn’t mean that Germany has to send a carrier battle group there, but there should definitely be a strategy with regards to the region. Germany should think to do what’s best in Germany’s interests when it comes to making decisions with its role in the alliance.Screen Shot 2018-10-08 at 8.14.33 AM

Panel:“Future of Work – Man or Machine: Are we prepared for the future of work?” One of the many panels at the German American conference in Boston was “Future of Work – Man or Machine: Are we prepared for the future of work?” which occurred on Saturday, October 6, 2018 at 1:45 PM. Upon the start of the panel, it was standing room only. It seemed that a lot of participants were interested in this panel, including myself. There were four panelists and a moderator. The panelists included a MIT economics professor from Germany, a University of Zurich business economics professor, a German politician from the SPD, and a lawyer from Germany. The largest topic was the effects that Artificial Intelligence may have on the world of work. One of the first questions was if the panelists thought that the use of AI was an opportunity or a challenge. 3 of the 4 panelists thought that it was an opportunity, if done right. One panelist thought that it was both an opportunity and a challenge. It was discussed that there was even a trend in certain areas after a form of AI was introduced. ATMs in the banking industry was used as an example. A panelists stated that once ATMs were introduced, the demand for bank tellers went up. My personal understanding was that the demand would go down because of how the job was being replaced by a machine. However, the argument was that the job description of a bank teller was changed after the introduction of ATMs. It was also a matter of change and how people in the world accept the dynamic nature of technology to improve the workforce. The caveat was if we, as a population, do it right and use AI as a beneficial progression of the future. The general idea was that Artificial Intelligence is the future of work, and it will serve to move the world forward.

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